Zenith and Zzzz….#atozchallenge

Z.jpg  Today is the end of the AtoZ challenge. Could we say the challenge has reached it’s zenith? Well maybe, if we are OK with seeing Z as the pinnacle of the alphabet.

But no. I think zenith probably has more to do with the challenge bit and not so much the AtoZ bit.

Getting to the end of any challenge feels a bit like climbing a mountain.


Marie on top of metaphorical mountain
So, here I am at the end of April sitting on top of my mountain.
Happy?? Yes of course. It’s Zenith day.
Hang on a sec, this feels wrong.  Let’s adjust the graphics.
Marie climbing up metaphorical mountain, helped by new bloggy friends!

Yes that’s much more like it. We did it!! Hurrah!!

There’s a great view from the top of this metaphorical mountain and I want to thank my bloggy friends for helping me get to the top of it. So what is it that I can see so clearly up here?



I hadn’t a clue about blogging when I started this challenge. It was all completely new to me. Without the challenge, I think I might have managed to post four pieces this year. I would have agonised over each one, ditched about a hundred possible ideas, because they weren’t good enough, and been so tentative and unsure about putting stuff, ‘out there’ in the scary world.

I would have thought that blogging was all about your own content, whether it was up to scratch or not. What I’ve learned is that, yes, content is important, but it’s not the whole deal.  Engagement is just as important AND it’s just so enjoyable engaging with people. Reading other blogs is like virtual travel. It gives you a unique insight into other people’s lives, cultures, joys, sadnesses. I find myself thinking about what other bloggers have said during the day, and recounting their stories over dinner at night to my family.

I’ve discovered that the blogging community is full of really talented, inspiring people who write brilliant, heart-felt, heart-warming, wise, funny content. At the start I might just have found this intimidating- as in, no, they’re all too good. I can’t do this.

But it’s not like that. The same people  who have awesome blogs are the one’s who threw out the ropes and helped me climb right up that mountain too.

They are kind enough to take time and check out new bloggers, like myself and leave a ‘like’ or a ‘comment’. And really it means the world. So, thank you, thank you, thank you to the  lovely people  (family members, friends and new friends)  I am getting to know through my blog. I can’t say how much this month of full on, daily blogging has meant to me. I feel sad that the month has come to an end. I shall miss my new found relationship with the alphabet, but hopefully not with this new community of people I’ve found. Having found a blog voice, I’m determined not to lose it.

Anyway, on Z day that’s what I see from my mountain top. It’s been a bit of climb. All this fresh air, clear skies. It’s making me sleepy… a snooze might be nice  ZZzzzz…ZZzzzz….




32 thoughts on “Zenith and Zzzz….#atozchallenge

  1. What a great post to end the challenge on Chez. Even though I didn’t take part myself it’s been great discovering awesome new blogger friends like yourself. Happy blogging as we head into May.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I loved what you wrote about the blogging community. I have found that to be exactly the case. I’m really quite new to this gig, and once had a friend say to me, “Why would anyone want to read what you write?” YOUCH! It was more that she didn’t understand the concept of blogging. It is often so intimidating to press the publish button, and yet, the connections have made it so worth the effort! Glad I found your blog. Keep on writing!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I have only been blogging for a year but have found the bloggers who stop by (including you) and whom I visit to be incredibly interesting. I’ve never done a challenge and have a blasé attitude toward posting. If I post, I post. If not, then maybe next week? And yet, my friends always show up. They’re great and I hope you continue to have the same positive experiences. Don’t ever worry about content. I did a post on baseball and followers from other countries still read it, even though they had no idea what I was writing about. Gotta love “em! I’ll keep reading your back posts and try to catch up. Take care, Clare


  4. Well it was “R” that did it for me of course – I’m a disciple of Chez Shea now, just so I might at some point have access to the lovely Lucy when I’m in dire straits!


    1. Thanks so much. I have checked out your lovely blog ‘Ordinary Moments’- when I tried to comment- the site tells me that my wordpress account info contains illegal characters and it wont let me proceed. It’s so frustrating and it’s happened on a number of blog sites as well. Not sure how to overcome this problem- as I would love to be able to follow your blog and have access to regular updates.


      1. I’ll see if I can get some advice about it. I find the technology bit far more daunting than the writing bit! But it’s probably just something small. Maybe if I set up a google account, I can log in a different way. I’ll give it a go.


  5. I hadn’t realized the insight above until I read your blog. The A2Z challenge did keep us writing, without taking a lot of time to go back and edit, which is so important in our writing. Thanks for helping me to see this. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog. Keep up the good work! http://www.dianeweidenbenner.com


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by. I’m sure I’ve posted things with big errors! I think I slept through any lessons I had in grammar! You’re right-editing is really important.


  6. You’ve made it to the end and have reason to celebrate!!

    I agree with what you said about the A-Z providing a friendly environment to get into the feel of blogging. That was exactly my experience too when I daringly dipped my toes into the challenge 3 years ago.
    We are part of a great blogging community and very supportive of one another. Even better, genuine friendships develop and flourish.

    So put your feet up, relax a bit, and enjoy the warm glow of making it to the end in this happy experience 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. No, don’t lose your blogging voice! It’s lovely! You write such great posts and have wonderful stories. I love your way with words.

    I’m so glad we’ve connected and that you decided to do the challenge! 🙂 *hugs*

    Congratulations on making it all Z way to Z end! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks so much. Our contact throughout this challenge has meant so much to me. Maybe one day, we’ll have that cup of coffee together!! In the meantime, I look forward to loads more of your great posts. And big congratulations to you too, for climbing up that mountain!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Chez, congrats on completing the challenge. I really have enjoyed connecting with you through this challenge and look forward to your further posts. You write beautifully and have me engaged. Have a lovely day and Happy May ! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Yay for completing your first blogging challenge. This is my second year I have done the challenge and it took everything I had to complete it, but it really does feel like reaching the summit of a mountain. When I started blogging I did it because I wanted to promote my book (which it turns out I am the most horrible book marketer ever) but found that I really enjoyed writing snippets of posts, reading other blogs, talking to other bloggers who I sincerely call my blogging friends. Even my husband knows who my blogging friends are, I say oh look so and so is doing this. and he will say oh – is that the guy from Wales? and I will say yes, and he says oooo what kind of music does he have on his blog this week. It is a great community – this blogging world!


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